principles of development 4th edition wolpert pdf 20
chapter 9 looks at the role of metabolism in the development of the embryo. this includes a consideration of the role of vitamin d and the importance of its metabolism, the synthesis of prostaglandins, and the role of isoprenoids in cellular function. chapter 10 considers the role of external signals and their receptors in the development of the embryo.
chapter 11 considers the role of the cytoskeleton in morphogenesis and tissue differentiation. this includes a consideration of actin-myosin interactions, the cytoskeleton in the regulation of cell polarity, and the role of microtubules in morphogenesis. chapter 12 looks at the role of the cell cycle in the regulation of tissue differentiation. a consideration of the origin of stem cells and their relationship to cancer is discussed. chapter 13 considers the role of programmed cell death in the development of the embryo. this includes a consideration of the role of apoptosis in tissue homeostasis and disease, and the apoptosis that is involved in tissue differentiation. the role of the immune system in the development of the embryo is discussed. chapter 14 considers the role of genetics in the regulation of gene expression in the embryo.
chapter 15 considers the role of genetics in the regulation of development. this includes a consideration of the heritable effects of maternal effects, epigenetic effects on development, and the potential role of genome-wide epigenetic marks in development.
chapter 16 considers the development of the adult. the role of gonadal hormones and androgens in tissue differentiation is discussed. the role of the central nervous system in tissue differentiation is considered in chapter 17, which also includes a consideration of the role of the olfactory system in tissue differentiation.